「にじさんじ 7th Anniversary LIVE 『OVERTURE』Daytime Stage」概要
「にじさんじ 7th Anniversary LIVE 『OVERTURE』 Nighttime Stage」概要
──「にじフェス」のメインステージという大舞台への抜擢ですが、ライブの打診を受けたときの率直な感想はどのようなものでしたか? 楽しみなのか、プレッシャーを感じるものなのか、感じたことを教えて下さい。
エリーラ ペンドラ(以下、エリーラ):ENライバーって日本に行くときにしかマネージャーさんに会えないんですが、この「OVERTURE」の開催について伝えてもらったときはたまたま日本にいたんです。
ライブの話を聞いたときはもうすごくびっくりして震えちゃって……マネージャーさんの手を握りながら「本当ですか!? こんなステージをENでやってもいいんですか?」って10回ぐらい聞き返しちゃったと思います(笑)。本当にもう夢のようでした。
サニー・ブリスコー(以下、サニー):俺も最初にオファーをもらったときは「うわー! 来たー!」ってはしゃいでました。とてもうれしかったです。
──NIJISANJI ENとしては初めての大型有観客ライブとなりますね!
エリーラ:はい! これまでENライバーはこういう大きなステージに立つ機会があんまりなくて……今回のイベントはファンにとってもうれしいことだと思うし、私たちにとってもうれしいことなので、とってもとってもハッピーです!
【2024年10月16日(水) 発売!】にじさんじ 5th Anniversary LIVE 「SYMPHONIA」Day2 Blu-ray
僕がメインステージに出演したのは葛葉さんのライブ(2023年12月開催のKuzuha Solo Event “Kaleidoscope”)のゲストで呼んでいただいたときだったんですけど、実際に自分が出演した際にその温かみを生で感じることができて。お客さんもライバーさんも、やっぱり有観客ライブが好きっていう人が多いと思うんですけど、その理由を知れた感じがしましたね。これが有観客ライブのいいところなんだなって!
【ライブ本編】Kuzuha Solo Event “Kaleidoscope”/ 無料パート
──NIJISANJI ENは共通衣装の実装が初めてとなります。実際に共通衣装を着てみてのご感想はいかがでしたか?
エリーラ:やばいっすね! 去年もその前も毎年「にじフェス」の共通衣装ライブを楽しみに見てたんですけど、その衣装を私たちが着るっていうことがもうやばくて! 実際にキービジュアルを見たときはすごく統一感を感じて、もう言葉が出ないぐらいうれしかったです。マジでハプニングって感じです。
私たち8名だけじゃなくて、ENライバーの思いが全部詰まったステージだと思うので、これまでにじさんじのライバーさんが積み上げたこととNIJISANJI ENがこの4年間で積み上げたことを合体させたい!
サニー:いいこと言うな、エリーラ! 俺は共通衣装をいただいて宝物をもらった気持ちがしました。今まで我々の前にこの衣装をもらった先輩もこんな気持ちでライブに出演したのかなって思っちゃいます。とてつもなく貴重なものをいただいた気持ちです。
「にじさんじ 7th Anniversary LIVE 『OVERTURE』Daytime Stage」キービジュアル
エリーラ:そうですね! PIKL(ピックル)はデビューしてからずっと一緒にいてくれたペットなので、絶対に一緒にステージに立ちたくて。ちょっとかわいいフォルムにしていただいたんですけど、もうかわいくてうれしかったです!
「にじさんじ 7th Anniversary LIVE 『OVERTURE』 Nighttime Stage」キービジュアル
星川:まずシンプルに新しい3D衣装が増えることがうれしかったです! 星川の持ってる衣装の中で袖がないのは初めてだったんですけど、共通衣装でダンスするとめちゃくちゃ映えるんですよ。
にじさんじライバーってすごくいろんな方々がいるのに、みんなとお揃いの衣装を着られるのってめちゃくちゃよくないですか!? 私お揃い大好きなんです(笑)。だからみんなで同じ衣装を着られるっていうのが本当にうれしくって。
エリーラ:ライブってずっと歌いながらダンスしているじゃないですか? 私は本当にスタミナ不足なので体力作りをがんばってます。ウォーキングパッドを買って、ゲームしてる間もテレビ見てる間も毎日歩いてます!
【#Elira3D お披露目】 Love at First Light 【NIJISANJI EN | Elira Pendora】
サニー:俺はダンスと、うーんと日本語でなんて言うんだろう……。I don't know how to say it……Just like……the presence, stage presence.(訳:どう言えばいいか分からないけど……存在感、ステージプレゼンスって感じかな。)
サニー:そう! 俺様のオーラに注目!
──素晴らしい意気込みをいただきありがとうございます! では続いて星川さんとローレンさんはいかがでしょうか?
【#星川サラ制服3Dライブ】世界一可愛い制服衣装みてー!- ̗̀ ♡ ̖́-【星川サラ/にじさんじ】
エリーラ:今年でNIJISANJI ENは4周年を迎えるんですけど、やっとこういう素敵なステージに立つことができて本当に幸せです。ファンの皆さんがこの4年間ずっと応援してくれてたからこそ、この8名で「にじフェス」のステージに立てるので本当にありがとうございます!
私たちが選んだ曲、一生懸命がんばったダンス、そしてステージでのパフォーマンスとその瞬間をみんなで楽しめたら、それが私の1番の幸せです。I love you guys~~!!
星川:がんばりたいことや注目してほしいポイントは話させていただいたので……! にじさんじも7周年なので、にじさんじを好きでいてよかったなって思ってもらえるようなライブをつくれるようにがんばります!
ローレン:まずは7周年ライブっていう記念すべきライブに出演させていただくことをすごくうれしく思っています。見てくれる皆さんに素晴らしいライブだったなって思っていただきたいですし、自分自身も後悔のないように、ライバーの皆さん、スタッフさんと精一杯がんばります! 一緒に楽しみましょう!
“OVERTURE” JPxEN Panel | Elira, Sonny, Hoshikawa and Lauren; Each Following Their Own Passion, Toward the Grand Stage
“NIJISANJI 7th Anniversary LIVE ‘OVERTURE’” is a special stage event as a part of “NIJISANJI Fes 2025” hosted at Makuhari Event Hall on the February 24th (Mon) JST.
Following “NIJISANJI 4th Anniversary LIVE ‘FANTASIA’”, this event continues the tradition of “live performances with matching outfits”, where all participating members perform in coordinated outfits.
For the very first time, this event will consist of two parts split between NIJISANJI and NIJISANJI EN. In this interview, we have Elira Pendora, Sonny Brisko, Hoshikawa Sara and Lauren Iroas gathered to share their thoughts on various aspects of the upcoming live event, including their initial reactions to receiving the offer, how they’re feeling about the performance, and more.
Four Livers selected for the “NIJIFes” Main Stage come together
“NIJISANJI 7th Anniversary LIVE ‘OVERTURE’ Daytime Stage” Info
“NIJISANJI 7th Anniversary LIVE ‘OVERTURE’ Nighttime Stage” Info
── You have been selected to perform in the main stage event at “NIJIFes,” which is a big stage. Could you share your honest thoughts when you received the request to perform live? Were you excited, or perhaps nervous?
Elira Pendora (hereafter, Elira): Us EN Livers only get to see our managers in person when we’re in Japan, and I actually happened to be in Japan when they told me about “OVERTURE.”
When I first heard about being a part of this live event, I was so shocked… I literally held my manager's hands and was like “Are you sure!? Is it really okay for EN Livers to be a part of such a big stage!?” and I asked again and again, probably 10 times (laughs). It was like a dream.
Since then I’ve been so nervous, and I do feel the weight on my shoulders, but the joy of getting to do this is a hundred times greater.
Sonny Brisko (hereafter, Sonny): When I first got the offer, I got so excited and I was like “Oh my god! This is crazy!” I was ecstatic.
But the more I thought about it, the more nervous I felt. It’ll be my first time performing on such a big stage, and even now I’m really nervous.
── And this is NIJISANJI EN’s first large-scale performance in front of a live audience, right?
Elira: Yeah! EN Livers haven’t had the opportunity to be a part of such a big live event like this until now… I’d like to think our fans are really happy about this, and we’re also really happy, so everybody’s super happy!
Sonny: Yeah, and another initial thought I had was, “Things are going to get really busy” (laughs). Even now there’s a lot to prepare and rehearsals to attend, but I really want to give my all to represent the EN Livers.
── Hoshikawa and Lauren, you two have experienced performing in a main stage event in “NIJIFes” before. Hoshikawa, could we first hear from you about your impressions from when you last performed?
Hoshikawa Sara (hereafter, Hoshikawa): When I was still new to NIJISANJI, I would often get anxious whenever I got offers for NIJISANJI events, wondering “Am I really worthy of being here?” But by the time I got the offer to be a part of the “NIJIFes 2022” Main Stage and had my solo performance, I noticed I didn’t have those thoughts anymore.
I performed together with a few other Livers, and I remember thinking “What’s something that only I can express out of these members?” and being really excited about that. With each event that I get to perform in, I find I’m less nervous each time, and I personally feel like this shows how I’ve grown!
── Seeing you also got to be a part of “SYMPHONIA”, one of the previous live performances with matching outfits, this would make “OVERTURE” your second year. How did you feel when you received the offer?
Hoshikawa: I honestly thought “I get to do it again!?” (laughs). I was seriously surprised, but at the same time I also thought “What’s something I can do that is unique to a second performance?” and I’m thinking of ways I can use my experience from last time to make this an even better performance.
And having also done a solo live event, I’ve come to truly understand that there’s only so much you can do on your own when putting on a show. Which is why I think it’s super fun to do a live event with other Livers!
【2024年10月16日(水) 発売!】にじさんじ 5th Anniversary LIVE 「SYMPHONIA」Day2 Blu-ray
──It’s interesting to hear how you learned from experiencing a solo live performance! Lauren, how about you?
Lauren Iroas (hereafter, Lauren): For me, the “NIJIFes” Main Stages were always something to watch. Seeing the Livers do calls and responses with fans, hearing the fans get excited when the opening video starts playing, I always thought it was such a wholesome environment while I just watched as a viewer.
The first time I got to be a part of a Main Stage event was when I appeared as a guest in Kuzuha’s live event (Kuzuha Solo Event “Kaleidoscope” held in December 2023), and that was when I first got a taste of that energy for myself. I know there are many fans and Livers that love the live audience events, and at that moment I understood why. That space is something else!
【ライブ本編】Kuzuha Solo Event “Kaleidoscope”/ 無料パート
──This time, you’re a part of the main attraction. Could you share how you felt when you received the offer?
Lauren: I was genuinely surprised. Of course I felt extremely happy too, but more than that, I was just in shock. The live events with matching outfits are like a connecting narrative that has been carried out by Livers over the years, with each performance serving as the grand finale that wraps up the year. So I was concerned whether I would be able to create a meaningful experience like that myself.
But shortly after that, I gradually started to feel the motivation to do my best. And after a while, it finally hit me and I was like, “So we’re really doing this.”
Their very own matching outfit is like “a gift that is truly priceless”
──This live event will take place on a real-life stage, but what are some things you're keeping in mind as you show a different side of yourself compared to how you interact with fans on stream?
Elira: I’m actually supposed to be the “cool one” out of LazuLight, EN’s first wave. But on stream, I often get told that I’m kind of dorky, so I’m hoping to express my cool side on stage. I’d like to do my best to show that this time around!
Sonny: It’s kind of the same for me too. On stream, I’m more chill and easygoing, but given there’s going to be so many people watching us on such a big stage, I’d like to bring more energy than usual. I wanna make the most of this live performance and move dynamically around the stage!
Hoshikawa: This is something that is unique to live performances on a real-life stage, but I can’t help but feel a strong desire to connect with the people at the venue in a way that can only be done then and there. So, I really want to do a bunch of calls and responses and communicate with the people there. The fans are right there with us, even closer than during streaming, and we can see their immediate reactions as well.
Lauren: I feel like I usually joke around a lot on stream, so I’d like to give it my best shot and show a side of myself fans aren’t used to seeing.
I’m thinking maybe if I can make people think “I didn’t know Lauren could do that,” it’ll be something that they’ll feel was worth watching.
So, I’d like to find the right balance in how I pace things to make the show really cool!
──This is the first time for NIJISANJI EN Livers to wear matching outfits. What were your thoughts when you tried them on for the first time?
Elira: It’s so crazy! I would always look forward to the live performances with matching outfits each year at NIJIFes, and I couldn’t believe that we get to wear the outfits now too!
When I saw the key visual for the first time, everything went so well together, and I was so happy that I was lost for words. It really started to feel like it was all happening now.
This stage is not just about the 8 of us. All EN Livers are in this with us as well, and I really hope we can create a stage that showcases the hard work of NIJISANJI up until today, as well as the efforts of NIJISANJI EN over the past 4 years!
Sonny: I love how you phrased that, Elira. When I first received my matching outfit, it felt like I had been given something truly priceless. And it made me think about how our senpai Livers might have felt this way too when performing in previous years. It really felt like I was gifted something really valuable.
“NIJISANJI 7th Anniversary LIVE ‘OVERTURE’ Daytime Stage” Key Visual
──And each of your matching outfits includes personalized elements in the design, right?
Elira: That’s right! PIKL is my pet who has been with me since my debut, and I just had to have him on stage with me. He was designed in a cuter form this time, and he looks so adorable—it made me so happy!
Sonny: I also had a negi keychain included in mine. I love negi so this was perfect!
──Lauren, this is also your first time wearing a matching outfit, right?
Lauren: My impression of the live performances with matching outfits is that it consists of a variety of unique personalities, and each Liver is different. Everyone works hard to practice, and they grow together as they exchange opinions, and in the end, those unique personalities put on these themed outfits, what we call the “matching outfits”, and step onto the stage together.
And in that moment, all at once it gives you a sense of being part of a team, which I feel is really cool. I'm really happy that I can be a part of that, and I can't wait to show it to everyone.
“NIJISANJI 7th Anniversary LIVE ‘OVERTURE’ Nighttime Stage” Key Visual
──Hoshikawa, how did you feel after trying on the “SYMPHONIA” matching outfit for the first time?
Hoshikawa: First of all, I was just happy that I could receive a new 3D outfit! This was actually my first outfit without any sleeves, and I was pleasantly surprised with how good it looks when dancing in the matching outfit!
There are so many different types of people in NIJISANJI, so I think it’s so great that we can all wear matching outfits!
I just really like matching with people (laughs). So I was really happy that we could all wear outfits with the same theme.
And I love that even though we’re all matching, the tops and bottoms are all different combinations, and we have our personalized elements in them!
With each carrying their own passion for “OVERTURE,” they step onto the big stage
──Could you tell us a bit about some of the things you are prioritizing in order to create your envisioned stage?
Elira: In a live performance, you're singing and dancing the whole time, right? I really lack stamina, so I'm working hard to build up my strength. I bought a walking pad and walk every day while I'm playing games or watching TV!
Also, I’m often told by fans that I walk like a penguin, so I’m trying my best to walk a little more gracefully (laughs). They tell me that it’s cute and that I shouldn’t change it, but I'm trying to be the cool type, so I’m hoping I can learn to walk more gracefully.
【#Elira3D お披露目】 Love at First Light 【NIJISANJI EN | Elira Pendora】
Sonny: I try to sing most days in my day-to-day life. Last year I was given the opportunity to perform in a 3D live performance, so I feel like I’m a little more used to performing on stage now.
But sometimes my body movements aren’t the most natural, so I would like to not be as stiff and have a little more ease and confidence on stage. That’s what I’m trying to keep in mind this time.
──Are there any specific things you would like to express during the live performance?
Elira: I would say my singing. I really love to sing and I always give 120% when I sing. And especially this time, I’ve been practicing so much, so I would love it if people looked forward to it. My dancing may not be up to par just yet, but I am confident in my voice!
Sonny: For me, I would say my dancing and presence… like, my stage presence.
Elira: Like your aura on stage?
Sonny: Yeah! Get ready to feel my aura everyone!
──Thank you for your comments! What about you, Hoshikawa and Lauren?
Hoshikawa: I think there are many things that can be created at live events that are unique to virtual performances, so I’m hoping we can do something that hasn’t been done before. Staff members are working so hard to make everything happen, and I’ve also had the opportunity to give my input and say “I want to do this, can we make it happen?”
So I’ve put a lot of effort into the production side of things this time and also carefully selected the songs with the intention of showing a different side of myself. I really hope people will look forward to it!
【#星川サラ制服3Dライブ】世界一可愛い制服衣装みてー!- ̗̀ ♡ ̖́-【星川サラ/にじさんじ】
Lauren: Like everyone else, I’m putting in a lot of effort with singing and dancing practice too, making sure I deliver the best I can to everyone. To be honest, I don’t have much live performance experience, so I wanna be as open as I can be to the opinions of the other Livers and staff, and I’m trying to absorb everything. I’m sure I’ll be nervous during the actual performance, but I want to embrace it and do my best. That kind of nervousness might be something that can only be experienced when starting out, you know? So I would like to make the most of that while I can.
I also think the more we’re able to hype up the crowd, the more they’ll have fun. So, I want to create a live performance where we can stir up excitement while also having fun ourselves!
──Lastly, please share a word with the fans who are looking forward to this live event!
Elira: This year marks the 4th anniversary of NIJISANJI EN, and I’m so grateful to finally have the opportunity to stand on such an amazing stage. It’s thanks to all of your support over the past 4 years that the 8 of us are able to perform on the stage at “NIJIFes”!
If we can all—both us Livers and everyone watching—enjoy the songs we’ve chosen, the dances we’ve worked so hard on, and the performance on stage together in that moment, that would be my greatest happiness. I love you guys~~!!
Sonny: This is the chance of a lifetime, and I’m going to give it everything I’ve got for you all!
Hoshikawa: Since I’ve already spoken about what I worked hard on and what I want people to look forward to… I just want to say, as we celebrate NIJISANJI’s 7th anniversary, my goal is to put on a live performance that makes everyone feel that their support for NIJISANJI up until now has truly been worth it!
Lauren: First of all, I’m extremely grateful for the opportunity to perform at this memorable 7th anniversary live performance. I want everyone to walk away thinking, “That was an unforgettable show!” So I’ll give it everything I’ve got, together with the Livers and staff, to make it the best it can be! Let’s all enjoy the moment together!